Best Practice

  • Manage PO ID - This process is available only if the Manage PO IDs flag is set to true in the Generic Setup Variables (GSVs).
  • Automatic Assignment - Use this process to create User defined Purchase Order ID numbers that will be automatically assigned when you Add Purchase Orders. PO IDs must be created using this process before adding a Purchase Order. A sufficient number of PO IDs should be created initially, so that they are not all assigned/used in a short period of time (suggest creating enough for an entire Fiscal Year). When all PO IDs have been used, the Create PO ID process needs to be run again to create new PO IDs.
  • Appropriate Prefix - If PO IDs should be created based on different locations, in the GSVs, select the appropriate Prefix Type (Ship to Prefix or Order Prefix). Prefixes then need to be entered on each PO Site ID (Purchase Orders > Setup > PO Sites). When adding the Purchase Order, the appropriate PO ID will default based on the Source ID (Order Prefix) or Ship to Site ID (Ship to Prefix) selected.

Create PO IDs

  1. Procurement → Purchase Orders → Setup → Manage PO IDs → Create PO IDs
  2. Prefix - Enter a prefix to print before the PO number. If the Prefix Type in the GSVs is set to Ship to Prefix or Order Prefix, be sure to enter the Prefix exactly the same as it exists on the PO Site. Suggest making the last character of the prefix a dash to allow separation between it and the PO number.
  3. From and To - Enter the first and last PO number in the From and To fields.
  4. Suffix - Enter a suffix to be added to the end of the PO number. Suggest making the first character of the suffix a dash to allow separation between it and the PO number.
  5. Zero Fill - Set to true so that all PO IDs are the same number of digits in length.
  6. Run Report

PrefixPrefix to print before Purchase Order number
From and ToFirst and last PO ID number being created
SuffixTo be added to the end of PO ID number
Zero FillAll PO numbers are the same digits in length
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required