Generic Setup Variables

  1. Procurement → Purchase Orders → Setup → Generic Setup Variables
  2. The user will populate or flag applicable fields or boxes to their discretion depending on their preferences within the Purchase Order module.

Current Fiscal Year--Year PO is created
Current Fiscal Month--Month PO is created
Manage PO IDs--System assigns PO #
Prefix Type--Attaches to PO ID
Use PO Lines--Itemizing Pos
Use Source ID--Site ordering items
Use Audit Trail Cert.--Certification statement
Skip Address Errors in PO Master--Set to TRUE to not receive address errors when saving a purchase order master record
Default Delivery Date--System date or nothing
Actual PO Type--Select PO that prints
Print Sales Rep--User's discretion
Disable Acct. Desc.--No account code on PO
Used to Print Accts.--Acct. code prints on PO
Print PO Remarks--PO remarks will print
Print Comments/Lines--PO comments print
Remit Address Position--Centered, Centered and Blocked, Blocked on Left Margin, No Remit Address Printed, or Centered +
PO Dept. Fax--Dept. Fax Phone #
Use Page Footer--Adding page footers
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required


  • Remit Address Position – Centered + means the Remit Address will be centered AND the PO ID and PO Date will print in the top right hand corner of the Purchase Order.

PO Approval Tab

Require PO Approval--If approval is required
Approval Types--Two approval levels
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

PO Vouchers Tab

PO Voucher Audit Sort--Two options
PO Voucher Description--Three options
Invoice Date to Blank--Sets date to blank
ADDLISTS / PURAPV--Allows selecting data
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

Import/Export Tab

Display Process--RDA instructed only
Display Setup--RDA instructed only
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required