1. review Water TV for duplicate Meter Serial Numbers
  2. Report new Meters to meter reader technician
  3. Activate any meters that are being read for the first time
  4. Export records to Ferguson
  5. Read meters
  6. Review and fix Usage records
  7. Run Daveware integration for the day
  8. Apply Penalty
  9. Back-date the Due Date on the Penalty charges to yesterday
  10. run Set Delinquent Charges
  11. Write-off penalty for unique customers
  12. Compute charges
  13. Desired Due date: July 6th  (update this each month)
  14. Generate bills - run the Create Statements process on Utility Bills and Cut-Off Fees
  15. Apply prepayments (expand TV out to 50 records)
  16. Print bill file
  17. Send bill file to Ruth/Mark
  18. Upload bill file to BMS
  19. Run Daveware integration for the day
  20. Compare BMS bill table to RDA Statement table
  21. Approve bills in BMS
Make changes and add new accounts before the last day of the current month