2024 Tax Year

RDA W2, 1095 and 1099 Print Service Guide


To get ready for Print Service, W2, 1095 and 1099 instructions are in Freshdesk.  Access the instructions, by logging into Freskdesk:


● Go to https://rdasystems.freshdesk.com/support/login.

● Login ID is your email address.

● If you forgot your password, click the forgot password link.

● If you have not created an account, click Sign Up on the right-hand side of the screen.  We recommend bookmarking this link and saving your login information to access your support tickets and resolutions, which are in Freshdesk, for easy reference. 

● After you login, use search and enter W2, 1095 or 1099, or the following links:


○   Prepare to file W2 ElectronicallyW2 Electronic Filing Checklist and W2 Processing


○   Prepare to file 1094/1095 Electronically and 1094/1095 Electronic Filing

○   Prepare to file 1099s Electronically and 1099 Electronic Filing


Once payroll and/or accounts payable data is ready for printing, follow these easy steps for W2 and 1099 Print Service:


1. Check your compile date in the Payroll and Vendor Payment modules. Click on System Administration on the bottom bar, click on Version Control, click on Program Update Status, and select Application Status Tab. Verify the COMPILE DATE for both Payroll and Vendor Payments is the same and the most current RDA program update.   If RDA is printing your 1095s, W2s and 1095s must both have the same date and be ready at the same time. 


2. Confirm your SSA account is setup correctly.  Sign in at “Employers” box, click Log in here. Sign in with Login.gov, Id.me, or Social Security Username, and follow instructions.


Go to the W2 Processing Menu: HR > Payroll W2 Processing.

Record your SSA account password: Select the Print/File tab. Click Electronic File, select your Employer ID, on the bottom row, enter your SSA User ID, Password and Save.

●While logged into SSA BSO, confirm you have the option to “Report Wages to Social Security”.



3. Load your W2 amounts: Select the Load tab. Click Load Amounts from Deduction Calendar Masters.


4. Set your W2 Control Numbers: Click Set Control Numbers.


5. Review your W2 Master: View Masters. Verify the data loaded and check the number of records.


6. Print, Review, and Sign Report A (totals only), Report B (totals only), and Report Box 12: Go to the Review tab. Print the Totals Only for Reports A and B. Also run the Box 12 Count Report, ranging on Box 12 Count of 5-99 (you may not have any results for this report). Review the totals, sign the reports if they are correct.


7. Create your Electronic File - do this step, even if RDA is electronically filing for you: Select the Print/File tab. Click on Electronic File, select your Employer ID and verify the populated information. Once the fields are complete, click the long EFW2 Electronic File button on the bottom of this screen. Another window will come up, fill in the appropriate contact information in the middle section only of this screen. Click select. The next screen gives you the option of saving to a disk, which is not necessary because the W2 e-file is saved automatically to your RDA e-documents.


8. If RDA is printing your 1095’s, follow step 9, otherwise, go to step 10


9. Create the 1095 Print File - You must choose the same sort order on this process that was used when setting Control Numbers for W2s.  This is either by control number or by last name. Go to Other > 1095 Setup > 1095 C Report & Form. Populate the Range Screen as necessary. Make sure that you select SKIP INSTRUCTIONS. Run Report.


10. If RDA is printing your 1099’s, follow steps 11-15, otherwise, go to step 15



11. If RDA is printing your 1099’s, go to the 1099s menu: Procurement > 1099s



12. Load 1099 Amounts: Click the Load Tab, then Load 1099 Amounts



13. Review your 1099 Masters: View 1099 Masters



14. Print Review and Sign 1099 Amounts Reports: 1099 Amounts Report. Review the report and sign if it is correct. Legal and Medical columns will produce 1099 MISC. Non-employee compensation will produce 1099 NEC.


15. Send email with Subject Line and Signed Reports to printservice@rdasys.com for printing: Once reports have been reviewed for accuracy and signed confirming your consent for RDA to process further, scan and email the Signed Reports to printservice@rdasys.com. Include: Report A or B Totals, Box 12 (if any) and 1099 Amounts Report, if RDA is printing your 1099s.  The email Subject Line for each must say:



○ “W2s Ready for Printing”, if RDA is printing W2s on your behalf.


○ “W2s and 1095s Ready for Printing”, if RDA is printing W2s and 1095s on your behalf.


○ “1099s Ready for Printing”, if RDA is printing 1099s on your behalf.